Digital Base Camp is the safe and comfy Christian worldview event of the Summer for High School and college students, parents, and youth group leaders! Interact with the best Christian thinkers in the field, break into small groups, ask hard questions, and leave no stone unturned for the comfort of your own home! This three-day online event uses some of the newest technology available to feature Mike Licona, S. Joshua Swamidass, Fuz Rana, Ted Wright, Melissa Cain Travis, Elizabeth Urbanowicz and more.
Digital Base Camp is broken into three days with each day centering around a general theme. Day One brings Mike Licona, Ted Wright, and Kurt Jaros with an emphasis on the Bible & Theology. Day Two will focus on Science & Religion with a panel discussion between two Christian scientists: Fuz Rana and Dr. S. Joshua Swamidass. Finally, Day Three brings some practical application as we focus on Faith & Family, with specific sessions for parents and teens. Click here to register and view the full conference schedule!