Can studying science bring you to faith in Jesus?

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Astrophysicist Hugh Ross, founder of Reasons to Believe, shares about his quest to find out if the Bible’s account of creation is true. Watch his story and explore science and faith resources from Reasons to Believe.

About Reasons to Believe

We at RTB believe questions and dialogue are good because truth invites and withstands testing. We make every effort to help people discover that sound reason and scientific research consistently affirm the truth of the Bible and the Good News it reveals.

Our commitment to sound reason and scientific research puts RTB in a unique position to engage in gentle, respectful dialogue with people from various worldviews. Our mission is to bring hope to people by illuminating and clarifying God’s role as Creator and highlighting his purpose for creation, especially for human beings.

Meet the Scholar Team

Astrophysicist Hugh Ross, founder and president of Reasons to Believe, holds a degree in physics from the University of British Columbia and a PhD in astronomy from the University of Toronto. His books include Weathering Climate Change, The Creator and the Cosmos, and Improbable Planet. Hugh has spoken on hundreds of university campuses and at conferences and churches around the world.

Biochemist Fazale Rana, VP of research and apologetics at Reasons to Believe, holds a PhD in chemistry with an emphasis in biochemistry from Ohio University. He is the author of several groundbreaking books, including Humans 2.0, Thinking about Evolution, and Fit for a Purpose. Fuz has spoken at hundreds of universities, churches, and conferences worldwide.

Philosopher and theologian Kenneth Richard Samples is a senior research scholar at Reasons to Believe. Kenneth is an experienced educator who has taught courses in philosophy and religion at several schools and is currently an adjunct instructor of apologetics at Biola University. He seeks to encourage Christians to develop a logically defensible faith and challenges skeptics to engage Christianity at a philosophical worldview level. His books include Christianity Cross-Examined, Classic Christian Thinkers, and God among Sages.

Astrophysicist Jeff Zweerink is a senior research scholar at Reasons to Believe. He holds a PhD in astrophysics from Iowa State University. His writing and speaking encourage people to consider the connection between Scripture and scientific evidence. Jeff is the author of Escaping the Beginning?, Is There Life Out There?, and Who’s Afraid of the Multiverse? and coauthor of the Impact Events student devotional series. He is also a project scientist at UCLA.

Select Books by the Scholar Team

Christianity Cross-Examined
By Kenneth R. Samples

Is There Life Out There?
By Jeff Zweerink

The Creator and the Cosmos
By Hugh Ross

Humans 2.0
By Fazale “Fuz” Rana