Welcome, monthly partners! We wanted to give you first access to these videos from the “God Is . . .” conference. It’s because of you this event became a reality. We appreciate your constant support, and we hope this series blesses you.
The “God Is . . .” conference was a life-changing experience for all who joined us last November at Grace Church in St. Louis, Missouri. However, we recognize that because of distance and timing not all of you were able to be with us.
That’s why we’re so pleased to give you the opportunity to experience sessions from the “God Is . . .” conference from the comfort of your own home.
From discussions on the nature of God to in-depth teachings on his attributes and character, this video series is sure to deepen your understanding of who God is and what it means to live a life in relationship with him. Each talk from our scholars offers you a wealth of biblical knowledge and practical wisdom.
We are privileged to make these videos available to you as our way of saying thanks for being a part of our ministry. Our hope is that you not only enjoy the “God Is . . .” conference, but also grow in your faith and knowledge of our amazing God!
God Is . . . Wisdom
by George Haraksin
Given the choice to enrich your life, would you choose religion or wisdom? Or both? Whichever you choose, choose wisely.
Colossians 2:2–3 calls for the church to be “encouraged in heart and united in love, so that they may have the full riches of complete understanding, in order that they may know the mystery of God, namely, Christ, in whom are hidden all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge.” In this talk, George reminds us that the wisdom revealed and taught in the Hebrew texts finds its fulfillment in the person of Jesus Christ, God’s wisdom incarnate.
God Is . . . An Artist
by Fazale Rana
Throughout life’s history, every corner of Earth has been filled with a vast assemblage of creatures—from the beautiful to the bizarre. What purpose do these diverse creatures serve? Could it be that God is a divine Artist, with these creatures reflecting his creative panache?
In this talk, Fuz makes the biblical case that God is rightly understood as a divine Artist. He then explores the impact that this view of God has for how we understand life’s history. He concludes by exploring what this view of God teaches us about ourselves as human beings made in God’s image.
God Is . . . Trustworthy and Reliable
by Jeff Zweerink
Many people see science and Christianity as being in conflict. From this perspective, the facts and reason of science undermine any basis to believe Christianity might be true. Over the past two decades, Jeff has investigated numerous potential issues where scientific knowledge seemed to conflict with Christianity. In this talk, he explains how, in every instance, his investigations revealed more evidence that God’s revelation in Scripture and in creation are trustworthy and reliable.
God Is . . . Bigger Than We Know
by Hugh Ross
Some holy books declare that God is transcendent (existing and operating beyond the cosmic spacetime dimensions) but aloof and distant from his creation. Others declare that God is immanent (existing and operating everywhere within the universe) but limited to the universe. The Bible alone declares that God is simultaneously transcendent and immanent.
In this talk, Hugh explains how trans- and extra dimensions help address seemingly paradoxical doctrines people encounter in Scripture—and how they provide us a powerful tool for establishing that the Bible alone is the inspired, written Word of God.